Sunday, February 7, 2016

Step 14 of the Double to a Million Game. Time to start a blog!

My kids and I have been having fun with the Double to a Million Game for a couple of months now. In a nutshell, it's a game where you start by finding a penny on the sidewalk, then find a way to double that penny 28 times to reach a million dollars.  The first two months were all about finding coins, and we managed to find $3.55.  Then Dad did a little dumpster diving, and he found a Vietnam-era helicopter pilot's helmet.  That free helmet sold on eBay for a $100 profit, so we have managed to raise $103.55 from nothing, and now we are on step 14.  This calls for a celebration, so tonight we had cake and ice cream to celebrate.

We also went to the flea market this morning and invested about half of our money in some new eBay items.  We'll be back next week to tell you how we did.  Here's a picture of the helmet that launched us to step 14: